Gradient Frame Sunglasses 1156
Quantity | Unit Price(USD) | Total Price(USD) |
50 | 3.78 | 189 |
100 | 3.41 | 341 |
200 | 2.74 | 548 |
300 | 2.40 | 720 |
500 | 1.82 | 910 |
1000 | 1.49 | 1490 |
3000 | 1.28 | 3840 |
- 漸變鏡框,佩戴更加時尚炫酷,PC鏡片,有效防紫外線,保護眼睛
- 細節特點:
- 1: 鏡框採用舒適的PC材質,質感優越,細膩圓滑,防滑防過敏,佩帶舒適;
- 2: 堅固鉸鏈,色澤亮麗,打磨平滑,牢固緊密,使用靈活;
- 3: 舒適鼻托,弧形線條,貼合鼻樑,光滑亮澤,不留壓痕;
- 4: 質感鏡腿,結合人體工學,輕盈貼合臉型,不壓耳朵,使鏡框更具線條感;
- 5: 適合戶外,旅行,駕駛等場合使用;
- 6: 有效抵抗陽光,紫外線,細心保護您雙眼睛。
- Tips:
- 1: 單手摘戴會破壞鏡架左右平衡性,導致變形,建議大家雙手拿住鏡腿沿臉頰兩側平行方向摘戴;
- 2: 取戴時一般先折左鏡腿,不易造成鏡框變形;
- 3: 不戴眼鏡、太陽眼鏡時,請用眼鏡布包好放入硬式眼鏡盒,再放進手提袋,以免被鑰匙、梳子、銅板等小東西磨損鏡片,或沾染到口紅等化妝品;
- 4: 若暫時性放置,許多人會順手掛在領口上,此時身體的動作幅度可別太大,以免扯斷或撞壞。請將眼鏡的凸面朝上,否則易磨花鏡片。同時,眼鏡應避免與殺蟲劑、潔廁用品、化妝品、髮膠、藥品等腐蝕性物品接觸,避免長期陽光直射和高溫(60℃以上)放置,否則易引起鏡片、鏡架劣化、變質、變色等;
- 5: 請勿在激烈運動中使用眼鏡、太陽眼鏡,避免強烈衝擊導致鏡片破碎,造成眼睛和臉部損傷;
- 6: 眼鏡、太陽眼鏡有污點粘附時,別用指甲去摳鏡片表面汙損,否則很容易就會刮傷傷表鏡片面。
- 保養說明:
- 洗滌: 不可機洗!手洗時需要清水,不可使用洗衣粉,不可使用熱水;
- 清水沖洗後先用紙巾吸乾水份,再使用眼鏡布輕輕拭擦,避免用力過度造成損傷。
- -Dimesions : 14.5 cm x 5 cm x 3.5 cm
- -Materials : PC
- -Imprint Area : 3 cm x 0.6 cm
- -Printing Method : Pad printing
Yes, customer can click “I want a quotation” button in product details page. Fill in company and contact information, the quotation will be sent to your email then.
All products in IGP EXPRESS are available for printing LOGO or pattern. We’ve got 2 choices of products:
The first kind: customers can click “Upload Logo”, choose the printing area, add text or picture on the self-service design platform. You can view effect picture as well. Click “Done” on top right corner to finish your design, and then you can add it to chart and pay for it directly. The whole process is self-supported.
Another kind: customers can click “Upload printing files” to upload your files(we support Jpg,Png,Ai,Pdf format, and support multiple files). We will use the central position of the product as the default printing position, and our staff will follow up you after confirming the order.
Delivery time (from payment to the arrival time) = production time + transport time
Production time:
Different products have got different production time depend on inventories and printing technology. You can view more information on detail page of each product.
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